Wednesday, October 30, 2013

SEX: by Evangelists Peter Pinjes & Steve Omodecx

Unlike what many people think, it is not just an act. Its not just a matter of PLEASURE. "Sex" is a covenant. Sex is binding. Whatever the world, the society, the devil and friends must have said to you about sex, know one thing today: there is a blood covenant that is shared during

It is spiritual & most people are not aware of it. When you go to bed with anyone, you are bonded and a...covenant is entered into unknowingly. If you sleep with a demon-possessed or cursed person, you have shared in that curse. If you sleep with someone who belongs to an occult, you are initiated automatically and they will begin to act in your life, with or without your consent.
 Even teenagers are known to be occult! So, the matter doesn't apply to only men and women who are 40 and above. It is thus important you watch whom you give your body to and it must be in marriage covenant with the backing of a HIGHER DEITY, GOD! It is not just about sex. Destinies are switched; lives are cut short; people become wayward; the prosperous become poor; the head becomes the tail - all because of fleeting pleasure. People are not as harmless as they look and Sex is not as safe as it is being made to look. The spiritual consequences of illicit sex or sex out of wedlock are more damning than physical consequences such as AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. LADIES, you a carrier of generations! GUYS don't keep selling that GREAT FUTURE of yours in exchange for some spontaneous gratification! YOU want to PROVE you are a MAN, TAKE a HOLD of your EMOTIONS! Challenge yourself! A man who has self - control is a wealthy man! All the same, its not TOO LATE to take a STEP for change! Forget what you did and didn't DO! What matters is what you are doing after which is NOW! If you are not Born-AGAIN, begin today! IF YOU are BORN again keep renewing your mind and working the Word and watch your Life become extra-ordinary! Don't be fooled by looks, appearance, material gratification and temporary pleasure. Sex is a serious matter!" Desist!! BE CAREFUL!!! There's something called self- control, YOU WON'T DIE or look OLDER because you ain't having SEX before MARRIAGE! Huh? The devil knows how to paint the Truth, remember EVE and the forbidden FRUIT, its more than the OPENING of your EYES"
The Bible is very frank about sex.
A whole book (the Song of Solomon) celebrates the sensuality of erotic love,of which most people don't really understand in relation to the church. The Bible reflects what the creator plans and knows about his creation. God, better than anyone else, appreciates what his invention means. He understands how it works and knows exactly what it's good for. He tells us how to use it—and how not to.
So what is God's view of sex? Simple: Sex is wonderful within marriage. Outside of marriage, it's an offense to the creator.
According to the Bible, only the commitment a man and a woman make in marriage counts. Marriage is the only place to experience truly committed love, love that echoes our relationship with God.
Husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. He gave up his life for her. … In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife (Ephesians 5:25, 28).
It was that way from the beginning, when Adam and Eve were created and presented to each other by God:
"At last!" Adam exclaimed.
"She is part of my own flesh and bone!" … This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Now, although Adam and his wife were both naked, neither of them felt any shame (Genesis 2:23-25)WATCH IT.

Lets Pray:
Dear Lord,i may not have known how many illicit covenants i have made through sin,i may know of some but i ignored,i pray for forgiveness of my acts,wash away my sins and make me your son once again,help me live a life that will glorify your name Lord.I am not worth your presence but Lord out of  REPENTANT heart may you renew your spirit within me.Give me self control that i may be able to withstand the emotions that arise within me.This i pray accepting you as my Lord and savior,My guide,my shield and my protector AMEN!

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