So next time you raise a judge me not on me,come read this first then after that we can reason together!!!
Friday, May 22, 2015
So next time you raise a judge me not on me,come read this first then after that we can reason together!!!
Monday, May 18, 2015
How can I trust an invisible God?
"I will say of the LORD, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'" - Psalm 91:2
In this day and age, we often hear people say, “I just can’t trust anyone anymore!” And on the surface, that might sound true. But think about all the different people we do entrust our lives to, without even thinking about it. We trust pharmacists to give us the right pills from a prescription we can’t read. We trust pilots we don’t know to take us to the right destination, believing that they know how to fly that machine exactly where we need to go. As we sit in traffic on the interstate, we trust our lives to engineers and road construction crews, believing the bridges will hold.
Yet, people have trouble trusting God. They often say, “I can’t see Him.” Do we see the engineers who designed the bridge? Do we know the pilots? Do we really know what the pharmacist is putting into our prescriptions? Not usually. Yet God, our Creator, who loves us more than anyone, who even sacrificed His Son for us to have forgiveness of sin and eternal life, is difficult to trust. It’s amazing. It just doesn’t make sense to trust imperfect men and not to trust a perfect God.
Let’s change that today. Get to know God in Jesus Christ. We can always trust Him – with our lives now and forever.
Remembering all that's one the world wouldn't be there were it not for God to create the world in the first place! NOW THAT SHOULD MAKE SENSE,
I choose to trust you LORD!
Evangelist Steve Omodecx
The Blessed Family Ministry
Thursday, May 14, 2015
No Trial Is Too Great
Liberation From All of Our Enemies!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Every Gospel artist listen and listen good!
For the umpteenth time i have spoke on the same issues and you have always cursed but if you thought i will mute then i wont till the records are set straight. A few weeks ago i posted on my timeline on a glorious visitation i had from God sending a warning on how defiled the worship in the land is.Today i still feel the same urge deep in me and i can see it right unfold.
Titus 1:13 "This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith.."

Sin Began When Adam and Eve Stopped Trusting God.
The interesting thing here is not that Adam and Eve could disobey God, but that they chose to disobey God!
Now That Should make you understand that power and authorty of choice is within you! choose wisely!
Will It Ever End?
The Blessed Family Ministry
This evening I stand to pray for you all ministers, God is with you. When the going gets tough and the tough seem to get going, don't stall there, remember your calling and tell God its time to cast my nets deeper! May God remember you all today!
presence when u want His presents — because He has a much bigger plan for you. . . a
plan that glorifies Him not you but uplifts you and brings you everlasting delight.
God doesn’t grant ur every request even when u pray faithfully. But He does promise to satisfy you with His unfailing life and love as He walks through every trial with you....
He called me Evangelist Steve Omodecx from birth. That's me at age 3 praying for the sick and God healing them. And today I still see God heal even the "nameless" diseases.
Today as I woke up HE allowed me to finally release this testimony and the video song all together.
My out of body experience is one thing I can never take for granted, He took my life in full glare of my father and returned it hours later, It was that evening when I had finished preaching the previous day 8th June at a certain high school with my brothers David Kasika and Jacob Israel Qtts Adembesa among others, after a glorious and mighty deliverance, I went home, following day Sunday 9th I preached in Kayole, on my way back to town I collapsed in town and went unconscious. Usually in Nairobi if that happens nobody would bother to help and some Wil take advantage and rob you. It wasn't the case, God sent my dad all the way from Kakamega western Kenya to come to my rescue and see the testimony take place. Note this, he wasn't coming to Nairobi but heading to nakuru at my uncles funeral but God caused him to sleep deeply past nakuru only to find himself in Nairobi and right where I was.
The only thing I remember was in that taxi telling dad I'm not gonna make it please pray and that was how I went. Hours later I was lifted, I could see my body, but I was in another atmosphere, very serene and glorious, down there from a far I could see everything, at some point I even saw a nurse come see me and go. Remember when I fell down in town, black rotten smelly blood oozed out of my body openings. I was smelling bad.
And so in this state so many things happened, some I can't find the exact words to express or explain, but I will say PEACEFUL AND GLORIOUS.
SUDDENLY, A hand touched my shoulders and when I turned I saw a VERY HUGE Bible with only one verse Psalms 118;17.... You shall not die but LIVE to declare the mighty works of God. And this voice said to me STEPHEN STEPHEN STEPHEN GO GO GO MY SON! It was a mighty voice, full of command and power, I can't describe it but I knew it was the voice of God. And immediately I woke up healed.
Listen, at this very time all these happened the devil wasn't giving my family and ministry peace, my kid sister Peggy Adek collapsed in school and was admitted in hospital, but all this could not stop God from working out my life and my family and ministry. My cousin Otieno Surfick who saw all this happen received Jesus as Lord and saviour that night. When I was discharged, that night through the phone with my sister and great woman of God Daphne Naila, I broke into 47 tongues and each tongue I spoke in a glorious vision God lifted me to that nation..... It was a fulfillment of a prophecy laid upon me years back....... I'll continue with the next part of this testimony of divine healing of a cancer patient, my sister and bringing to life another lady within the time frame of my encounter......
Apply Grace beyond just Knowing It - Evangelist Steve Omodecx
As I make these prayers may it flow unto you reading this now in Jesus name!
Turn the LIGHT On!
The Blessed Family Ministry
Pentecostal Revival Church