For the umpteenth time i have spoke on the same issues and you have always cursed but if you thought i will mute then i wont till the records are set straight. A few weeks ago i posted on my timeline on a glorious visitation i had from God sending a warning on how defiled the worship in the land is.Today i still feel the same urge deep in me and i can see it right unfold.
Let me put this clear,Music is a ministry and an artist in the gospel line is in ministry same as a pastor...something that most don't understand or know but deny.It beats logic if your pastor comes to you and in trousers below the the reasonable place it should be.will you even listen? The fact that God has given you gifts to sing its for His glory not your glory! I realize most of these young men and women who can't sit under anyone's authority for spiritual mentorship end up struggling to appeal to the world and not God. All they are doing is by their own strength but beware it's just but for a very shortwhile. I repeat it is for a limited time!! Watch!! and see!!It is gonna be over in Jesus name!
Its sad to see how people sing love songs in the name of "love for God",others sagg their trousers revealing their boxers to the church and young school girls in the "missions" they attend,others don't even understand what they sing anymore! To some its all about shows from the first weekend to the last weekend,none shows up at their locla churches,money and fame is all in the mind and not deeper growth and kingdom mindset!
My brothers and sisters,God will hold you accountable for everything you are doing.He put you on that pulpit to minister and not to show people your lyrical prowess,bicepts and new designer underwears! Vanity is vanity and all these will catch up with you some day!
Titus 1:13 "This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith.."
Titus 1:13 "This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith.."
Be careful on every move you make in the name of God! Those who mocked Good had their share.Dont wait till its too late! I have spoken as The Lord allowed me to! take it,curse,say i judge,discuss me,call me names,leave it..its upto you!

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