Purpose is crucial. Purpose is
not limited to the terrestrial, in the world after now, you will be
questioned on how you fulfilled purpose. You can have a purpose without
getting married, but you should not go into marriage, without finding
God’s purpose for your life.
Here are a few things you need to know as it relates to relationships and marriage
1. Purpose precedes creation
Purpose is so powerful, so much powerful that it precedes your creation.
I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth
out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto
the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5 KJV)
Before you were
formed, God knew you. Ever before your dad asked your mum out, God knew
you. Your purpose is not an after-thought; it is a pre-determined
conclusion about your very essence.
See the way The Message Translation puts the above verse
I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the
light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations––
that's what I had in mind for you." (Jeremiah 1:5 Message)
to me; before you saw the light of day, there are plans for you! Nobody
is a mistake here. Don’t believe that lie from the pit of hell. You are
gifted in certain areas; you might just not have discovered them.
didn’t just get here and God said, this guy’s head look like the head
of an engineer, let him become one. God didn’t just say, okay, this girl
looks like a Pastor’s wife; let’s make her one. No, it doesn’t happen
like that. You see, you need to understand something about God. God
finishes before He starts. Jesus Christ has been slain from the very
beginning of beginnings. When God is getting ready to do anything, He
will first of all finish it. Then, there will be a replay. Actually your
life is a replay. Your life is script, it has been acted, and you are
just aligning yourself. This is why it is important to have a vital
relationship with the one that formed you. It is a spiritual hara-kiri
to disconnect from the holy one of Israel, your creator.
2. It is your discovery, not your decision
second thing I will like you to know is that your purpose in life is
not a decision you make, it is a discovery you make. If purpose is so
important to God that it precedes creation, then its discovery should
precede marriage. Your purpose is not determined by your career. It is
determined by God! You should go to school, but school is not supposed
to chart a direction for you, it is supposed to give you a basic
foundational intellectual attainment to aid the fulfilment of your
For all I care, you can study Medicine and end up
running a boutique, because that is where fulfilment and your
prosperity lies. Conversely, a businessman can build a hospital and
employ doctors to run it. You just need to discover your purpose!
man, every woman has a responsibility to discover what God’s purpose is
for one’s life. I want to recommend Papa Kenneth Hagin’s book,
“Following God’s plan for your Life” It is a classical master piece,
that will enlighten you more on this all important and crucial topic.
you start falling in love, rise in purpose first. As a guy, God has a
purpose for your life. As a lady, God has a purpose for your life. You
cannot marry anybody and everybody. There is somebody that will be
aligned with God’s purpose for your life and your combination will be
powerful. There are also people you can get involved with and it is like
taking ten steps backward. People are either doors or walls. They
either open you up or close you up. A businessman’s wife ought not to
get marry to a Pastor, or else all she wants is the offering in church!
The spouse that does not compliment your purpose in life will compete
with it and will eventually suffocate the life out of you.
When you are deciding who to get marry to, the question of purpose should come up.
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
How do I get there?
With whom will I get there with maximum productivity?
Those are pertinent questions. That is why you should not marry an unbeliever who has no relationship with God.
3. It is the key to fulfillment in relationships and life
When the two people in a relationship or marriage are fulfilled in terms of God’s purpose for their lives, it helps a lot.
you know that two people, who are not fulfilled in a relationship or
marriage, can trigger and aggravate emotions that can drive them apart?
At the core of the imbroglio is lack of purpose, but at the surface
would be unexplainable anger and being constantly touchy and grouchy,
triggered by spiritual fatigue. When a man has not discovered his
purpose, he gets fatigued so easily because he is involved in what he is
not wired for. This has a cyclical effect on relationship/marriage
For example, if you talk to people who have a
call of God upon their lives, but for one reason or the other have not
been able to step into it, maybe in pursuit of some other business, they
might have the money they wanted, but if they would be truthful to you
they would tell you they are not happy!
Listen to me,
there is joy that comes with fulfilling purpose. This often overlaps
into you attitude and leadership propensities in your immediate
relationship or marriage. There is a peace that comes with knowing that
you are the center of God’s will for your life. Listen to me, there is
nothing like it.
When I talked to a friend who was about
to commit suicide, and God delivered him from the grip of spirit of
death, an holy awe came upon me, I was moved to tears within, not tears
of sorrow, but tears of joy and I trembled at the awesomeness of God in
using me for such noble tasks! Listen to me; it is a privilege to be
called! Many are called, few are chosen! When incredible healings of
impossible cases take place in people’s lives, I ask myself, what did I
even write about? Testimonies of conception, healings, changed lives,
sexual perversion broken…all because the one that called is faithful.
This unexplainable joy comes over me! When you are out of purpose, you
miss this joy. And you know the joy of the Lord is your strength? That
is why that joy is important! It is a rejuvenating joy!
Concerning Jesus, in Luke 10:21 KJV
In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit… It means he jumped up , belly-laughed and full of ecstacy!
everybody would be called to the five-fold ministry. But, there are
certainly things you can do in discovering His purpose for your life.
Sometimes, when you are just there and you seemed to be finding it
difficult or unsure of what God’s purpose is for your life, all you need
to do is find a local assembly to serve or find a ministry like ours
and support with your finances.
The same joy and
fulfillment we have in blessings lives, restoring marriages, healing
broken hearts, mending wounds and hurts by the Spirit of God, do you
know you can practically share in that joy? When you identifying with
the vision by making it easy to do what we are doing, it gives you the
same joy and then ensures that when you step into you own vision
eventually, there will helpers of destinies as well. You see, what you
make happen for others, God will make happen for you! Let me show you in
the scriptures, before you say Pastor is using style to raise money!
he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal:
that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And
herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you
to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye
are entered into their labours (John 4:36-38 KJV)
you grow in God, and as you are faithful supporting others in their
vision with your time or substance, your own vision becomes interpreted
and explicit!