Thursday, July 16, 2015


"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Matthew 6:19-21
Jesus’ view is radically counter-cultural to anything that we see in our materialistic world. Bottom line, Jesus says, “I want to talk to you about a worry-free investment that has no risk.An investment thats never a miss,You can never lose it.” [how I personally view Matthew 6:19-21]
In the ancient world, there were three main ways to evaluate wealth. One was based on precious metal; another, precious spices; and still another had to do with clothing, because the average person would have one set of clothes. Only the wealthy had more than one set of clothes. So here, Jesus is telling them (and us), “Don’t store for yourselves treasures on earth! Those treasures will become ruins.”
What a contrast that is with the modern world. Let’s try to get a REAL LIFE perspective about this. Today so many people mind more about their material wealth than the heavenly treasures they should,the bible says what will it benefit my soul if i gain everything on earth but loose my soul? we see at some point after his baptism Jesus is tempted by the devil to denounce heavenly treasures for earthly treasures,but what he does is to openly declare WHO HE IS AND TAKE HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE! Glory!
The big question is—do you believe what Jesus has to say about your treasures – your money and investments – or do you not? I don’t know if there can be a more convicting verse than Matthew 6:21: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Ask yourself this question: “If Jesus looked at my check-book, my house, my car, my clothes, and all I spend on ‘things’ versus what I give to God, what would He say? Where would He say my heart is?”
Our check-books don’t lie. How we spend our money reveals a lot about who we are. It reveals our hearts. Are you investing in heavenly treasures? Are you growing closer to Christ? Are you giving of your time,your tithe,your talents, and your financial resources to build up the body of Christ? What are your treasures? Where is your heart?
How i pray that my heart be where the kingdom is,heavenly treasures! that LONG TERM INVESTMENT!
Evangelist Steve Omodecx Music
The Blessed Family Ministry - KENYA

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