Tuesday, December 30, 2014


“And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; …”
Genesis 21:19
If you must win today with the rate of evil pervading all over
the society, then you must ensure that you always gravitate
towards the Light – Jesus is the Light of the world.
It must be our passion, it is not something you will handle
casually because if you don’t run towards light, you will be
stranded and that is not the will of God for your life. It is not
His plan that you should live a stranded life.
Often times, the reason people run into problems is because
they don’t have light. Hos. 4:6 says, my people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge. He did not say it is because of the devil
or because of satanic activities but because of lack of
When you don’t know, you will be a cheap victim in the hands
of the devil. Ignorance is too expensive; you cannot afford it.
In Isaiah 5:13,14, the Lord said, ‘’Therefore my people are
into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their
honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with
thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her
mouth without measure:…’’
Did you see that? They have gone into captivity because they
don’t have knowledge. In other words the bondage continues
as long as there is no light. So the bondage in your life
continues as long as you have no knowledge. As long as you
walk in ignorance, there is no way you can navigate your way
through life.
In Gen. 21:14-20, the bible tells the story of Hagar and her
son, Ishmael whose water supply was
exhausted in the wilderness and they were about to die
because of thirst. The bible says in verse 19, “… and God
opened her eyes and she saw a well of water …’’
Now, the well was there all the while but she did not see it,
sometimes, God will need to open your eyes to see
opportunities around you.
May God open your eyes today in Jesus name . That as you
step into 2015 let go of ignorance and let God take control of
your life! Let wisdom and knowledge from God fill you and
manifest in God's “And God opened her eyes, and she saw a
well of water; …”
Genesis 21:19
If you must win today with the rate of evil pervading all over
the society, then you must ensure that you always gravitate
towards the Light – Jesus is the Light of the world.
It must be our passion, it is not something you will handle
casually because if you don’t run towards light, you will be
stranded and that is not the will of God for your life. It is not
His plan that you should live a stranded life.
Often times, the reason people run into problems is because
they don’t have light. Hos. 4:6 says, my people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge. He did not say it is because of the devil
or because of satanic activities but because of lack of
When you don’t know, you will be a cheap victim in the hands
of the devil. Ignorance is too expensive; you cannot afford it.
In Isaiah 5:13,14, the Lord said, ‘’Therefore my people are
into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their
honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with
thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her
mouth without measure:…’’
Did you see that? They have gone into captivity because they
don’t have knowledge. In other words the bondage continues
as long as there is no light. So the bondage in your life
continues as long as you have no knowledge. As long as you
walk in ignorance, there is no way you can navigate your way
through life.
In Gen. 21:14-20, the bible tells the story of Hagar and her
son, Ishmael whose water supply was
exhausted in the wilderness and they were about to die
because of thirst. The bible says in verse 19, “… and God
opened her eyes and she saw a well of water …’’
Now, the well was there all the while but she did not see it,
sometimes, God will need to open your eyes to see
opportunities around you.
May God open your eyes today in Jesus name . That as you
step into 2015 let go of ignorance and let God take control of
your life! Let wisdom and knowledge from God fill you and
manifest in God's supernatural wisdom!
I bless your new year!
Spread the Word, Share! wisdom!
I bless your new year!
Spread the Word, Share!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Father Lord I pray that you  will accelerate the
manifestation of your Promise to your servants  and fulfil that Expected End prophecy,prayer or desire of their hearts. I pray that you will not finish this year in defeat, frustration, stress or anxiety because the God of the breakthrough will visit your House and your family.

I declare that today the Angels are making haste to deliver to you the package that Heaven has dispatched
in answer to your prayers. Though you may have been delayed, you will certainly
not be denied.
I decree in Jesus name that before the year ends, you will definitely have the
last laugh because God has saved the best for last in your life.
This time God will prepare a table for you in the very
presence of your enemies.
May it be well with you even as you keep still and know He is GOD!
I bless You!


Tuesday, December 16, 2014


Good evening precious people: This evening I want to highlight something briefly on IN OUR OWN IMAGE!
In Genesis 1;26- you will understand that you are created in the image of God to be equipped by His divine indwelling!The holy spirit occupying the  human spirit so that man would manifest the very glory of God! Halleluyah! This glory is not man’s glory but a derived glory that’s exclusively dependent on the glory of God {the owner} within the creature {man}
I want you to understand that the authority that you have on earth today is exclusively from submission to Gods divine authority!
Gods’ ambition is to be seen and heard through you! That’s one key reason why you are where you are today! Gods intention was and is that you and I be the physical, visible expression of Him on earth, manifesting in His glory despite the fact that neither you nor I have never seen him as John puts it in John 1:18….This act which he commanded is called righteousness…without which we cannot be his and he cannot dwell in us!
This evening  felt I should put this up here to remind us of who we really are!
Evangelist Steve Omodecx


THERE IS A WORD -by Bishop Burns

There is a WORD
The meaning of Rhema in Distinction to Logos is ILLUSTRATED in Ephesians 6:17, where the Reference is not to The Scriptures as a Whole, but to that Portion which The Believer Wields as a Sword in The Time of Their NEED.
There is a WORD, BREAD, MANNA, RHEMA, That is COMING Out of The Mouth of God for You RIGHT NOW! It's OUR Daily Bread, it meets Our Needs Right Now!
But YOU MUST TAKE THIS WORD of GOD as The SWORD, that The Spirit Can use To Set you FREE!
My son Nigel & I were talking. He asked me the Question "Popz is that you, or GOD! At First I thought he was speaking Again "The Apostolic Dimension!" As I was setting Meditating the very next morning, The Lord began to give me a Rhema Understanding of what had Happen! No he was talking to his Popz and not the Apostle!
The Lord Showed me: Abraham & Isaac! Genesis 22 NIV4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”6 Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, 7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham,“Father?” “Yes, my son?” Abraham replied. “The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”8 Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.
The young man asked his father, "Where is the Lamb, Popz?" It was not Again The Prophetic Purpose of Abraham that Isaac spoke. No he was talking to his Popz, not the Prophet!
We have well over Ten Thousand Apostles and Prophets in the Earth today, but we Still don't have "Many Fathers!" Are you IMITATING an Apostle / Prophet, or a Father! Are you serving in a Father / Son Relationship, or are you being Domainated by an Office Gift?
Timothy Was Paul's Son whom he loved, and was faithful in the Lord. Timothy and Paul had a Father / Son Relationship, and NOT an Apostle to Servant Concept!

Can you talk to your POPZ, or is your Access ONLY LIMITED to The APOSTLE?

Follow Bishop Burns for more teachings on his facebook page:

Friday, December 12, 2014


There is nothing like RAVING AND PARTYING in the Kingdom of God but I know there is Power packed PRAISE AND WORSHIP in this Kingdom!
In this act of praise and worship the Bible says we are in GODs presence and fullness of joy is guaranteed!

John 4:23 - But the hour cometh,
and now is, when the true
worshippers shall worship the
Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Hebrews 13:15 - By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of [our] lips giving thanks to his name.

It is only In His presence where order, respect and reverence to His holiness is observed and breakthrough takes place.In His presence is where the Kingdom is felt and people leave blessed and filled not high and dry!
Moses felt His presence and knew why He had to remove his sandles, Peter felt His presence during transfiguration and asked Jesus to allow them build tents for it was a heavenly experience! Jacob knew that unless I fight for it I can't get it!
But in it all _WORSHIP is observed, Respect to God is maintained, and joy is released!
Its only a contrite spirit that attracts God!


Thursday, December 11, 2014


Two of the most difficult sins to resistare pride and sexual immorality bothare seductive. Pride says I deserve it and sexual desire says I need it. Pride appeals to the empty head and sexualenticement to the empty heart. Whendesire is fully activated people don't want advice they want satisfaction
Soak yourself in the holyspirit, Sorround yourself with positive minds and be a doer of the Word!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


My prayer for you today is that the Lord will set you up with open doors
that no man can shut!! I pray that your vision will become clearer and
sharper even as the voice of God becomes stronger and more real to you than anything else in your life.
I declare that starting today, the supernatural will break out on every
side of your life and you shall be carried to another realm both in life and in God. Your days of digging dry
wells are over because this time you are coming unto the overflow.
I decree that Kings and Great Men and Women of your time will come to the brightness of your rising. You shall
never again stand before obscure things.
Your time to arise and shine has come.
In Jesus name I release this into you in Faith! 
God Bless You!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Many Christians today are not living the successful life God intends because they have missed the purpose for which they were born.
The bible in Ephesians 2:10 tells us, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them..."
If you are going to live successfully, you have to know what you are all about. Any tool that is used for something other than what it was created for will not be effective. And it is liable to get damaged.
At times I have needed a hammer to pound in a nail, but I have been too lazy to go out in the store to get one (don't get too self-righteous,you've done it too!). So I have ended up using whatever I had handy, like a
wrench or stone.
Well, with these you still can get the nail in, but you are not going to be very effective. You
are liable to dent the wall, and you are liable to damage the wrench or break the stone.

Too many Christians today are not functioning or flowing in the thing they were created for, and
consequently, they are not effective. And sometimes they get hurt and damaged.

You do have a purpose. In fact, the word in Ephesians 2:10 translated workmanship literally means you are handcrafted by God. The Greek word is the same word we derive our
English word poem from.

In other words, your life is not to be without order or symmetry or rhyme or reason. God has some specific things mapped out for your life. You
are not an accident. You are not
excess baggage.You may visualize urself as a biological error but you are never a divine error!  You have a purpose.

Ask God today to show you that
purpose, and then develop the gifts God has given you to fulfill that purpose.

#Ev Steve Omodecx

Monday, December 8, 2014


‘Good morning world!This day i wanna speak to you on the Word of God once again;The bible says ’Delight thyself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart’’. Psalm 37:4

Today, we have a clientele of believers who are not committed to anything, not even the spiritual things, and they are not even ready
to pay any price but they want results. All they are interested in
quick fix prayer and off they go.
It doesn’t work out like that n never will because
like I would always say, God will not do for you what you can do for
yourself.Look here!
Joshua had just taken over from Moses who was already dead, and the responsibility to take the people to
the promised land fell on him. God knew that the only way Joshua could fulfil that desire was to first pay a price by building a spiritual base and developing spiritual muscles. It
wasn’t just about praying alone.
There and then God gave him a template for good success. The
instruction was very clear.
The scripture says in Joshua 1:8, ‘’This book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but you shall meditate
on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written therein, for then you shall
make thy way prosperous and you
shall have good success. In other words until you stay in the word, you
cannot have good success.Hallelujah!!!

Child of God, sustainable blessings
comes with a price. You must be ready to do all that is ‘written therein’ before you get the prize.
That is the clincher, because there is
something written about your miracle. You need to discover it and
take hold of it.
That same principle is found in Deuteronomy 28: 1-14. Every promise
that is documented here are covenant blessings, but their
fulfilment is predicated on verse 1 which says ‘’Now it shall be, if you
diligently obey the Lord your God,being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the
Do you really want the prize?
Then take a quality decision not to just be
a speaker of the word but a doer. In other words, get acquainted with the word of God; study it, meditate on it
and do it so that you can develop spiritual stamina against the wiles of the enemy. Beloved friends, I encourage you to know and do the word of God,
because it is the truth that you know and do, that will set you free.
I love u all!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

This Day I Pray For You

Father, I ask You to bless my friends,relatives and email buddies reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power.
Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment.
Where there is pain , give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.
In Jesus' precious name I decree its done!


Monday, November 24, 2014


I pray this week that the Lord would only lead you into relationships that align you with and give birth to your divine destiny. I pray that the Hand of God will stand against any and every counterfeit, distracting and high maintain friendships that may
waste your valuable time even as you
pursue the purpose of God over your life. I declare that you will operate in an unusual level of discernment in all things and the enemy will not trick you into what might seem right but instead the Holy Spirit will lead and
guide you into all truth in every area of your relationships.
I bind every deceitful, flattering and manipulative spirit for it shall not attach itself to
you and your life in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
I decree that the Lord will expose the motives
all those who are pursuing relationships with you and give you
eyes that see what's not even apparent and visible to your natural
senses. Today you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way
walk ye in it and you will follow the witness of the Spirit of God who will
bring you to your intended purpose
safely and without unnecessary scars,
drama, hurt, scandal or waste of you precious time.
I bless your relationships in Jesus Name!



This morning I feel inspired by God, spiritually uplifted and charged to stir a deeper yet clear understanding of somebody's prayer life!
Many are the times when people will go before God and paste heavy Biblical burdens on their callings...its not bad but understand one thing! If Jeremiah went through a hard time to fulfil God's purpose that doesn't mean you also have to put the ox plough on your neck to be blessed, if jacob wrestled with God it doesn't mean you also must fight God and wait for ur ankle to be broken, if Solomon married many wives it doesn't mean that was the source of his wisdom, If Saul had to be a killer for him to be an apostle it doesn't mean you should torment Christians in order to be powerful...
The list is endless but this morning am charged to let you know that every Christian, every minister, everybody has a unique tag upon their lives in running the race into the kingdom of God!
We all share the same regulations in this race but run it in your lane as led by the holy spirit!
I declare this day that may you realize how to run your lane and draw men to God by lifting Jesus up!
You can do it all through Christ your strength!
I bless You


Friday, November 21, 2014


This comes at a time when there are so many churches out there.Its a good thing to note that the Gospel is being preached and the greater mission fulfilled as well as the Scriptures but How true is true?
I don't deny the fact that we must respect our spiritual authorities but forced submission that sometimes leaves the sons and daughters with no say of their own is not Godly!
The first act of father and son relationship began with God and Adam in Eden.and however it ended that Adam disobeyed God, there was no day God became bossy to his sons and that's why for the sake of love for us He sent Jesus (john 3:17)
Therefore any spiritual cover that forces you to bow down to them,sing to their tune, give to them, fear them etc are not true fathers but men and women who are seeking titles to fit in certain circles...Apostle Paul says in 1 Timothy  6:3 If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;  6:4 He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,  6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.



Wednesday, November 19, 2014

YOU ARE A KING...ACT LIKE ONE by Ev Steve Omodecx

The bible is clear about who we are,the power and authority we carry.
We see the words of a king are always final in any setup.Nobody can appeal the voice of a king because he is above the law.
In the same dispensation, as a Christian you must understand that you carry the kinship within you.
You carry the domain, the rulership of God within you!
When Jesus did signs and wonders there was one key thing that I want to highlight.
Jesus spoke a word and it took effect.He spoke to nature and it responded, he spoke to the heavens and food multiplied, he spoke to demons and they manifested and even recognized who He was! Why because of knowing who He was! Hallelujah!
What is it that you can't do in Gods name?
The Bible identifies u as a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! that's to mean you have POWER and AUTHORITY!
The limitation is not within the power but within your mindset! You can do it but ur mind tells u you can't do it.
I submit to you today to stand in FAITH and declare to that situation that's been hitting u up and down to cease and it shall cease.
I declare in Faith that as you start to experiment the great and mighty Jesus assured you of through the aid of the Holy spirit may you walk in the supernatural dimension of manifestation marked by humility and service to God!
In moments like these when I feel my spirit stirred to declare possibilities, I charge you to do it and testify of Gods goodness!
This is power! Power! Power!  In Jesus name!


Monday, November 17, 2014


This week I still pray for you that the Lord would remember you and your family so that He may give you supernatural and
sudden results and miraculous
turnarounds. I pray that the waiting period for you will be concluded this week and that everything that's been standing in the way of your manifested blessings will quickly be removed.
I declare that you will not be let down or disappointed again,
not this time because the Lord
Himself will rise to your help. All of Heaven will conspire to bring you your expected end. I decree that even things they said would never happen for you will suddenly pop up and fall into your lap. It's your time
and no one will reverse the kind of goodness that's headed to your House.I Bless Your week


Sunday, November 16, 2014

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

For bookings, prayers and counseling ....reach Evangelist Steve Omodecx on;



Its Monday and I pray that the Lord would set you up with lucrative and profitable
opportunities that lead to the manifestation of your purpose and dream this week.
I pray that this week every door that had been shut in your face
will supernaturally open and you receive safe passage to your place of blessing.
I declare that your days of waiting and languishing on the shelf
of life in any area of your life are over. This time God will set your
table of blessing right in the presence of your enemies as stated in His Word.
I decree that all the best deals, breaks and opportunities will be yours and you will not lack any good thing for silver and gold is our fathers'.May you testify of Gods goodness right from this moment of AMEN!
I Bless Your Week!


Friday, October 31, 2014

TRUSTING GOD WHEN HE SAYS NO! [intro] Ev Steve Omodecx

This afternoon i wanna speak to somebody!
Just because we have moments when we doubt if God will come through doesn't mean He won't.Just because you prayed and fasted yet God said NO! doesn't mean He is not faithful, Just because you lost that job at the point when you needed it most doesn't mean God is unfair, just because ..... you are bereaved, in pain wondering what next doesn't mean God isn't aware....I want you to know and Just know that God is faithful to His word and not our thoughts.
He is true and merciful!
I bless You.

Saturday, October 25, 2014




I pray that the Lord would bring you the right relationships into your life.
I pray that today would be the day when God begins to cause divine
alignment and a strategic flow in your
I declare that every relationship that is leading you away from your destiny will simply fizzle out and die while God opens doors to only those things that are meant to be. You will
not be held captive to the past or setbacks.
I decree that today
relationships that heal, restore and bring wholeness to you will begin to emerge and flourish again. You will
not be hindered any more but God will position you for greatness and recompense.
I Bless u and declare that may the Lord guide u to wholesome and right relationships.


Two of the key reasons why Man was created was for RELATIONSHIP and FELLOWSHIP!
When Jesus came on earth as a mortal He not only did come to fulfil the Scriptures but the bible says in Luke 19:10 that "For the Son of man came to seek
and to save that which was
He came to seek that which was lost..this evening as I took my nap I was meant to understand that it was something that was lost;You can not look for something unless its precious to you...something precious to GOD was lost and He had to look for it to save humankind.That which means it was a thing was RELATIONSHIP!
RELATIONSHIP in any setup proceeds good terms and in this case, FELLOWSHIP!
When Adam and Eve fell short of Gods glory they were not only kicked out of Eden but they were ideally sent out of Gods presence....
How many times have you been out of GOD'S presence and you have had to face the wrath of GOD? Toil hard, labour, lack yet still He wants to redeem you and you ain't seeing that?
Listen child of GOD! I may not know exactly who this message is for but I feel its going a long way to reassure somebody of where he or she is supposed to be.
God loves you and wants you to return to the first love, right in His holy presence to have the relationship and fellowship!

I am here to help you.hit my inbox or text me. Return to the LORD!

Understanding the elements of purpose as it relates to relationships and Life

Purpose is crucial. Purpose is not limited to the terrestrial, in the world after now, you will be questioned on how you fulfilled purpose. You can have a purpose without getting married, but you should not go into marriage, without finding God’s purpose for your life.

Here are a few things you need to know as it relates to relationships and marriage

1. Purpose precedes creation
Purpose is so powerful, so much powerful that it precedes your creation.
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5 KJV)

Before you were formed, God knew you. Ever before your dad asked your mum out, God knew you. Your purpose is not an after-thought; it is a pre-determined conclusion about your very essence.

See the way The Message Translation puts the above verse
"Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations–– that's what I had in mind for you." (Jeremiah 1:5 Message)

Listen to me; before you saw the light of day, there are plans for you! Nobody is a mistake here. Don’t believe that lie from the pit of hell. You are gifted in certain areas; you might just not have discovered them.

You didn’t just get here and God said, this guy’s head look like the head of an engineer, let him become one. God didn’t just say, okay, this girl looks like a Pastor’s wife; let’s make her one. No, it doesn’t happen like that. You see, you need to understand something about God. God finishes before He starts. Jesus Christ has been slain from the very beginning of beginnings. When God is getting ready to do anything, He will first of all finish it. Then, there will be a replay. Actually your life is a replay. Your life is script, it has been acted, and you are just aligning yourself. This is why it is important to have a vital relationship with the one that formed you. It is a spiritual hara-kiri to disconnect from the holy one of Israel, your creator.

2. It is your discovery, not your decision
The second thing I will like you to know is that your purpose in life is not a decision you make, it is a discovery you make. If purpose is so important to God that it precedes creation, then its discovery should precede marriage. Your purpose is not determined by your career. It is determined by God! You should go to school, but school is not supposed to chart a direction for you, it is supposed to give you a basic foundational intellectual attainment to aid the fulfilment of your purpose.

For all I care, you can study Medicine and end up running a boutique, because that is where fulfilment and your prosperity lies. Conversely, a businessman can build a hospital and employ doctors to run it. You just need to discover your purpose!

Every man, every woman has a responsibility to discover what God’s purpose is for one’s life. I want to recommend Papa Kenneth Hagin’s book, “Following God’s plan for your Life” It is a classical master piece, that will enlighten you more on this all important and crucial topic.

Before you start falling in love, rise in purpose first. As a guy, God has a purpose for your life. As a lady, God has a purpose for your life. You cannot marry anybody and everybody. There is somebody that will be aligned with God’s purpose for your life and your combination will be powerful. There are also people you can get involved with and it is like taking ten steps backward. People are either doors or walls. They either open you up or close you up. A businessman’s wife ought not to get marry to a Pastor, or else all she wants is the offering in church! The spouse that does not compliment your purpose in life will compete with it and will eventually suffocate the life out of you.

When you are deciding who to get marry to, the question of purpose should come up.

Why am I here?

Where am I going?

How do I get there?

With whom will I get there with maximum productivity?

Those are pertinent questions. That is why you should not marry an unbeliever who has no relationship with God.

3. It is the key to fulfillment in relationships and life
When the two people in a relationship or marriage are fulfilled in terms of God’s purpose for their lives, it helps a lot.

Do you know that two people, who are not fulfilled in a relationship or marriage, can trigger and aggravate emotions that can drive them apart? At the core of the imbroglio is lack of purpose, but at the surface would be unexplainable anger and being constantly touchy and grouchy, triggered by spiritual fatigue. When a man has not discovered his purpose, he gets fatigued so easily because he is involved in what he is not wired for. This has a cyclical effect on relationship/marriage eventually.

For example, if you talk to people who have a call of God upon their lives, but for one reason or the other have not been able to step into it, maybe in pursuit of some other business, they might have the money they wanted, but if they would be truthful to you they would tell you they are not happy!

Listen to me, there is joy that comes with fulfilling purpose. This often overlaps into you attitude and leadership propensities in your immediate relationship or marriage. There is a peace that comes with knowing that you are the center of God’s will for your life. Listen to me, there is nothing like it.

When I talked to a friend who was about to commit suicide, and God delivered him from the grip of spirit of death, an holy awe came upon me, I was moved to tears within, not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy and I trembled at the awesomeness of God in using me for such noble tasks! Listen to me; it is a privilege to be called! Many are called, few are chosen! When incredible healings of impossible cases take place in people’s lives, I ask myself, what did I even write about? Testimonies of conception, healings, changed lives, sexual perversion broken…all because the one that called is faithful. This unexplainable joy comes over me! When you are out of purpose, you miss this joy. And you know the joy of the Lord is your strength? That is why that joy is important! It is a rejuvenating joy!

Concerning Jesus, in Luke 10:21 KJV

In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit… It means he jumped up , belly-laughed and full of ecstacy!

Not everybody would be called to the five-fold ministry. But, there are certainly things you can do in discovering His purpose for your life. Sometimes, when you are just there and you seemed to be finding it difficult or unsure of what God’s purpose is for your life, all you need to do is find a local assembly to serve or find a ministry like ours and support with your finances.

The same joy and fulfillment we have in blessings lives, restoring marriages, healing broken hearts, mending wounds and hurts by the Spirit of God, do you know you can practically share in that joy? When you identifying with the vision by making it easy to do what we are doing, it gives you the same joy and then ensures that when you step into you own vision eventually, there will helpers of destinies as well. You see, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you! Let me show you in the scriptures, before you say Pastor is using style to raise money!

And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. And herein is that saying true, One soweth, and another reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours (John 4:36-38 KJV)

As you grow in God, and as you are faithful supporting others in their vision with your time or substance, your own vision becomes interpreted and explicit!

Dont Lament During The Process-Ev Steve Omodecx

When you set out to pray and ask God to make you that person He desires to be...you better be ready for a painful but victorious process of being moulded to Christ's perfect image!
Gods desire is to have you and I inherit His kingdom!
The moment you realize some of your friends are no longer in your zones, you will realize new ones are coming in your zones!
Some traits and habits die with the old you and you acquire new traits befitting your new status!
I foresee a great shift hitting the alters, singers and preachers loosing the old self ready for refill!
Again I see, an overflow of grace upon young people taking the true Gospel to nations in this latter days!
Listen I also see a great shift between ministry and entertainment!
oh LORD! The time for the son of man is nigh!
it won't take long before you see this happen!

I bless you all.


Today men go sagging their pants,shaving
funny hair styles,dress in tights,walk like they are jumping or one leg is shorter than the
other,sleep around,get on drinking sprees
daily THEN they are the first ones to urgue out they want perfect women in their lives,others even go ahead and criticize ladies who
party like them...
When you are busy wasting your life
misbehave thinking u'l get a wife material,God is just and He will give you exactly that which befits you.
Walk in light and light will be part of you.

My prayer For You

I pray that the Lord would send His angels ahead of you to prosper your way before you get to your place of assignment and purpose.
I pray that whatever it's going to take to position you for greatness and impact, God
will move Heaven and Earth to see to it that it's done.
I declare this morning that like
Moses, God will raise up for you
Bezalel and Oholiab, skillful
craftsmen who are anointed to get the job done with you. This time you will find the flow that leads to unprecedented increase and impact.
I decree that people of like-precious faith will connect with you making your dream to be set on a whole new course of unlimited success and impact. May your branches leap over
the wall and your influence know no bounds.
I Bless u today


Wednesday, August 27, 2014


“And the angel of the Lord came again the second time and touched him and said, arise and eat because the journey is too great for thee”. 1 Kings 19:7
Growing up as a son of a pastor and being taught the word of God even when you didn’t want to shaped me to who I am today...back then it looked like it was impossible but with time I began to realize on my own that in this life the journey is still long, you need nourishment, you need people who will pray with you, fast With you, rebuke and chasten you..And as time continued I learnt that when God told Joseph Heaven and stars will bow before Him, He did not tell Him about the pit falls and the slavery in prisons but all these did not deter Joseph's dream and Destination. When God sent Moses to eject the Israelites out of Egypt He did not mention a RED SEA somewhere but he mentioned the destination. And with time I began to realize the calling is sure. “You will lead, preach, heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and do greater than those I (Jesus) did In my name but He didn’t mention the death experience and the hard situations to follow in ministry!
I then knew that things were not going to be smooth all through though I was guaranteed of victory in all those (2 CHRON 20:1-37)...even death that I overcame last year in June at Matter Hospital Nairobi-Kenya. As if that was not enough the devil pulled another stunt on me as we drove upcountry. Just out of hospital where i had been admitted for two weeks, weak and frail, my kid sister was hospitalized, but the previous night i had a mighty visitation of the Holy ghost that sent me talking in 47 different tongues the whole night, and that was the moment i received my divine healing and calling confirmed. A cancerous patient was healed the same night where i was through the prayers. The following day, We picked a lady on the road as she had requested for “lift” only for her to give up the ghost in the vehicle but at this point i then knew that the devil was trying to intimidate the work of God in me. Having conquered death, then he thought the best was to try on another person we didn’t know and had just helped...I remember seated at the front seat and she was at the back, she suddenly fainted, cold and her pulse went low. But God who sees and orders the steps of His servants spoke to my heart and said ‘pray it shall be well,’ after close to half an hour of prayers as we drove towards kijabe Mission hospital she got well.(this happened twice). At this point i knew that when God has marked you for His service no matter the situation He is always with you. He took me out of death, in an out of body experience that changed my view totally about death and life. I began to understand Gods mysterious works are so true and real...that when he says you shall not die but live to proclaim His mighty works (psalms 118:17) He has already breathed life in these words (rhema) and if you believe it takes effect in your life instantly. You just must decide to pay the price for the great future you believe God for. Praise the Lord! On arrival home, a word of healing as in James 5:15 was just enough to have my baby sister discharged!
Look at what God can do! Hallelujah!
The angel of the Lord came to Elijah and asked him to eat because where he was wasn’t the place God had in mind to be the final destination. Child of God, no matter where you are today, it is not God’s final destination for you. As long as there is still breath in you, there are yet more grounds to cover and more territories to conquer.
Listen, when I woke up a few days ago I felt God speak to my heart, fear not but share this testimony. I kept refusing but He has continually chastened me to even through friends I have never met before. He says it is going out to heal someone, inspire, challenge and put another back to ministry, Dear child of God, your journey is still far and the future is still wide open. You can decide today the kind of future you want to arrive in and begin now to prepare hard towards it. Decide today that you will pay the price for the future you believe God for and watch Him make out of your life a testimony the world would hear and read about and be transformed.
The greatest miracle God has done in my life today is the fact that I can share just a small part of this testimony. It’s the fact that Christ lives in me and am not ashamed of the gospel, it’s the fact that the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God as in Romans 8:14-16
I pray now that Dear Lord speak to them that have given up. Speak to them that have reached that point of GIVING UP! LORD restore those fallen ministries. This day I declare that Lord you are reassuring them that have lost hope of your everlasting love for them. Thank you Lord for you have done it in Jesus name I declare! Amen!
God is real and so real and true! walk in he manifestation of GOD
I bless you today, eat and drink the journey is still long!
Evangelist Steve Omodecx


Tuesday, August 26, 2014


My God is amplified more in great circumstances..He created a highway in the sea...He fed and clothed more than 2 million people for more than 40 years in
the wilderness....
He made lions acts as pets in the days of Daniel..He made the three Hebrew boys dance in the fire....my God has no History of disappointing men and you will not be the first...the harder the battle the sweeter the victory...hold on your time is right at your doorstep! amen


You are not called to be like other Christians but you are called to be like CHRIST JESUS and make disciples for the kingdom of GOD!
It is therefore important that you know there can never be another replica of you.You are created in GODS image,unique and called to run ur race n lead others as the LORD directs.

Your identity is not in your sermon, it’s in Christ.The bible says in Gal 2:20 that “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”Stop cheap imitation of another preacher by copy-pasting his sermons,dress-codes,accent,walking style,haircut etc....God knew you and chose you just the way you are to be who you are today and draw men to HIM!

2 Timothy 1:9 - Who hath saved us, and called [us] with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,...

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Thursday, July 17, 2014


If you are using the bible to intentionally hurt others OR defend your stupid ignorant acts then you are using it all wrong and should stop!

Sometimes it beats me to see how much a wrong and bad statement is defended blatantly by using the word of God at an individuals expense.The bible is not meant to be some book to be used as a scapegoat to ones foolish acts of ignorance and end up quoting "Judge me not","clean the log in your eyes before you remove the spec in my eyes" etc
The WORD of God the bible notes is sharper than any two edged sword.If it rebukes you take it and work on your salvation,if it encourages you be stirred and move to the next level...(2Tim 3:16) says
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness,---The AMP bible even goes ahead to break this down "Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action),"
So why should God allow me to put up this post today?There are moments when i have seen christians,men and women of God cover up a wrong with the scriptures to the unsuspecting or maybe the "i care-less" church goers and nobody questions such!Maybe because their spiritual levels differ and they dont see it or maybe because they feel they know much more than the humble who prefer to go pray in their closets over such!
In (Rom 13:10) the bible says:
Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law.
I will therefore say this,in your area of ministry,be it music,preaching,prophecy,rebuke,love,correction,christian walk with God among many more,its very crucial to have moments with God.its important to allow God refine your mind and heart that out of the abundance of your heart you utter sense,you utter the oracles of The Lord.You speak with authority over what God says and not just what you think!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A word of prophecy and a word of prayer for your situation

There is nothing like the help of God. It sets you apart. It distinguishes you. When God helps a man, it doesn’t matter what other men are saying, that man will forge ahead and succeed. Give me a smart man without God’s help and I will show you a frustrated and dissatisfied man despite seemingly achievements. Give me a man you perceive as naïve and ‘local’ and yet he has God’s help, and I will show you a truly rich man.

If you are single and you think you might be single forever because it is taking forever for a spouse to show up, all you need now is God’s help. They said you should dress well, and you have dressed well. You even have a house plus a good car, yet you remain ‘spouseless!’ You need God’s help!
How much of things do you think you can do without God’s help? What would have happened to Joseph in a strange land, sold as a slave, convicted and made a prisoner and his destiny hibernated to a special prison where hardened criminals and king’s offenders were kept? He would have rotted away under the wrath of Portiphar! But God’s help! The scripture says God was with him!

When God helps a man, even your enemies will bow. I wonder how Mr & Mrs Portiphar behaved when Joseph rode past on his royal chariot! They would have buried their head in shame! Never fight a man that God has helped or else you will be fighting God!

Saul didn’t know he was fighting God when he started fighting David. David was a man that God helped! And David knew that God helped him. You cant read three chapters of the Psalms before you hear the sonorous and royal voice of David reverberating in songs of worship and dancing to God’s help upon his life!

Can I prophesy God’s help into your life this morning? Can I prophesy God’s help into that troubled relationship issue? Can I release God’s help to come upon your courtship or marriage and turn things around for you? Can I by the Spirit of God activate God’s help on your behalf to come to bear for you in meeting your spouse?

I stand upon Psalm 3:2 and I declare over you:
Many are saying things are not really working for you, but God Himself will be your shield, your glory, and the lifter up of your head! I prophesy into your life, He will lift up your head! Every area where your head seems bowed, my God and my father will lift it up.

I stand upon Psalm 20 and I declare over you:
God will remember your offerings and send help to you. He will strengthen you out of Zion. You will be rejuvenated and freshly anointed in Jesus name.

I stand upon Psalm 22:19 and I declare over you:
God will not be far from you. He will be your strength and He will hasten to help you. He will turn His countenance in your direction and cause his divine help to be available for you.

I stand upon Psalm 37:40 and I declare over you:
God will protect you from all evil. You will be saved and delivered from the wicked. The lot of the wicked will not rest upon you.

I stand upon Psalm 44:26 and I declare over you:
The Lord of Lord, the King of Kings, the one seated upon His throne, the one whose footstool is the earth, will ARISE to help you! Yes, He will stand up to help. The set time for you to be favoured is here! For His mercies sake, He will redeem you. He will decorate your life with productivity. That long-lasting issue will fizzle away, and mourning shall culminate in joy!

I stand upon Psalm 60:11 and I declare over you:
In every trouble, my God will give you victory. Through God, you will do valiantly. You will succeed in that examination. That interview will favour you. You will get that promotion. That contract is yours because the name of God will be glorified in your life.
I prophesy over you, from today and as we move into a new month, you will see God’s help. Your path will cross with the right person and that whom God has ordained for you. Your marriage will be preserved and every storm will be assuaged. All bitterness will be healed and all fracases will be attenuated.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
Where you lift your eyes to determine where you believe your help will come from. From today, stop looking at man, start looking at God…and you will see help like you have never seen before. He will send helpers of destiny your way, God will send His angels to intervene in your affairs, you will see the supernatural hand of God and people will see you and say, God has helped you. God has done great things for you. That will be your portion! You will rejoice at last and from you shall come forth joy, gladness, thanksgiving and voice of melody!

When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. Turn again our captivity, O Lord,as the streams in the south. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him (Psalms 126:1-6 KJV)

Ev Peter Pnjes

In Jesus Name! July!

In this new month decree and declare the word of God upon our lives!

I resist every enemy of progress and success!
Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.
(Daniel 1:9)
1. Lord, as you brought Daniel
and his friends into tender love
and favour with the Babylonian palace officers, so will I have
favour with my superiors and juniors.

In this new month I declare and resist every enemy of
progress and success in my life and my friends lives in Jesus name.
In this new month though your matchless
grace, O Lord, anyone who partakes of these prophetic declarations is favoured everywhere they turn to,their coming in and going out in Jesus
As in Isaiah 55:11 Lord "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my
mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."



How does it even feel for a Gospel artiste, a good music minister to go and launch his/her music in a club? Isn't their conscience even triggered that the Genesis of their music ministries are laid on wrong & shaky foundations/alters?
This is what I call spiritual stupidity to get familiar with the secular world...any Christian should know the power of alters and should not compromise his calling for fame and airplay by launching their God given ministries in clubs.That's why 3 weeks down the line they cry foul their music ain't played anywhere yet they themselves miss the whole point out of ignorance! One thing I know is that GOD who called you will prepare platforms for you!
I will say this without fear whatsoever,to those Gospels acts launching their music in clubs _YOU ARE KILLING YOUR CALLING AND YOU CANT IMPACT.You will end up entertaining but not blessing, leaving people high and dry!
*Lets not pretend and defend our actions that "those in clubs need God more than those in church" let the annointing flow from the pulpit to the world not vice versa.
The Bible is clear about this ; Love not the world and the things in it for whoever loves the world the love of the father is not in him...1John 2:15
And Joshua said "Choose who you will serve..."
Lets not get it twisted,1 John 4:5 says They are of the world. Therefore they speak as
of the world , and the world
hears them.(them who have no love of the father _Word Of God)
be wise!

Join the conversation here:

Prayer is Who You Are

Prayer is not something that we do.It is something that we are.It is the highest and deepest expression of the inner person.It is the ultimate means of touching the heart of GOD!
Psa 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.

That's what pleases GOD!

Monday, May 12, 2014


“Then Elisha said, Hear ye the word of the Lord, Thus saith the Lord, Tomorrow about this time shall a measure of fine flour be sold for a shekel and two measure of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria”.
2 King 7:1 KJV.
There was famine in the land. There was no food anywhere and people would do anything to get food. Then the Prophet stepped forward and declared the mind of God. “By tomorrow things will change”. But it did not register in anyone’s mind because everywhere was dry. A certain man said it can never happen. His mind got in the way. But the word of the Lord has gone forth. “Tomorrow about this time….” When Prophet Elisha spoke, he was positioning the people for a miracle. God’s word is designed to position His people for an encounter with the supernatural. Elisha was trying to focus the people. He was trying to get them to look unto God: the creator of the ends of the earth. “Thus said the Lord,” not men.

But another declares…. “Behold if the Lord will make windows in heaven, might this things be… “(2King7:2) He made a mockery of God. Any person who tries to ridicule God should not be your friend. Any person, no matter who he is, that is making a statement that disparages your God must not be around you. Stay away from such a person because he will destroy your faith.
The man that made a mockery of God said it will never happen and he positioned himself for failure. He positioned himself for death.When you disregard Gods voice you position yourself for downfall... But there was another group of people, the lepers: the rejected ones that no one wanted to touch. They said: what are we doing here? If we sit here, we would die. Since we cannot go into the city why don’t we attempt something?
And they began to match towards the enemy’s camp: the four leprous men. That is to tell you that it doesn’t require people with expertise. It requires people who will position themselves. It is not about how tall or how short. It is about taking a step of faith to actualize the prophecy that has gone forth. As the leprous men were moving close to the camp, the Almighty God took over. The Syrians began to hear a noise of chariots, a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host (2 King 7:6 KJV). Consequently the Syrians abandoned everything they had and ran away and food suddenly became surplus in Samaria according to the word of the Lord because some people were positioned for the miracle. As you step out in faith,God will take over on your behalf. As you position yourself in faith you will please God,whatever has been an obstacle on your way will clear off in Jesus name.
Don’t sit down and do nothing. Step out and take the victory that God had prepared for you. It only calls for faith not to doubt Gods voice,not to look down on urself coz u have leprosy(issues). but even in that state you are in,you can be the saviour of a situation your family,marriage friendship or relationship is locked into...the unwanted of the society became the source of help to the community that had rejected them....look up child of God! TIME IS NOW! act in Jesus name! B blessed and have a great week!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

SALVATION - Ev Steve Omodecx

You are not saved because some evangelist said you repeat "these" words after him,
You are not saved because you are a regular church goer,
You are not saved because you have your name and date is written somewhere at the back of your bible,
You are not saved because you know all the Scriptures,
You are not saved because you give "fat" tithes
You are not saved because your parents are bishops, reverends and evangelists,
You are not saved because you were baptized at birth....

You are saved because the spirit bears witness that You are born again!
You are saved because you have accepted christ and the fruits you bear speak it louder!
You are born again because You have made that decision and in repentance no more turning back & its Jesus all the way!

The bible says in Romans 8:14-16 " For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons  of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, "

Monday, March 31, 2014

WHAT MY GENERATION NEEDS - Ev. steve omodecx

Today I feel I should share this because there is someone who needs to hear this! :

What our generation needs today is not more music & entertainment, what our generation needs is not more parties,events or gigs, not more swag and not more overnight vigils that don't teach morals and the true word of GOD!
We do not need men and women of God who will spend the first 15 minutes of a 30 minute sermon telling us of how far and wide they have traveled.
The bible says now young men will see visions, (a preview of the future),yet for an appointed time as it will ultimately come to fulfillment!That means we are entrusted with the future! Hallelujah! 
What our generation needs is A LIFESTYLE OF WORSHIP.

Our generation needs more of God than anything else,Give us more Jesus than prosperity Gospel, Give us more of holiness and righteousness more than money silver and gold!
Give my generation old men and women of God who the bible says will dream dreams(a recap of the past)and guide us spiritually & morally!
That is what I mean by A LIFESTYLE OF WORSHIP!

What my generation needs is nothing less than worshipers who will bring heavens down and everything will be swept by the power of the holy ghost!
My generation listen to me;God asks of us to seek FIRST his KINGDOM and RIGHTEOUSNESS! the rest leave to HIM!He is faithful to supply them unto you

The wave of revival is hitting real fast u better be among them that GOD wants to use.

God bless us all

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Relationships and marriage don’t
just slide into the disappointment
zone in an instant. Most of the time,
the symptoms show earlier but we
often ignore because we are in
The husband that will end up
assaulting you physically would have
shown some signs, but you probably
didn’t pay attention. He must have
been "donating" a few slaps here
and there that you have been gladly
coping with! He must have been
expressing uncontrollable anger that
you thought will soon stop.
The wife that will nag you all day
and all night has probably shown
you the signs but you just
concluded it's because she is
sanguine! The wife that will not
support your vision and aspiration in
life would have shown her apathy,
but you were so much in love with
the hot legs!
Most of the times, the Holy Spirit
will attempt to lead us and tell us
when something is wrong with a
relationship. But when we assume
the attitude of “I want to do my own
thing,” then there is nothing God
can do.
God will never force anything on you
or override your will. He allows you
to make your decisions because He
is a just God. If God can override
our will, then everybody should be
born again and forced to accept
Jesus Christ into their lives.
However, God will not do that! But
He will lead, direct and guide you
always if you ask Him and you listen
to Him.
Here is one area where symptoms
usually show up, but we ignore
them - Spiritual life


If his spiritual life is shallow and
it’s nothing to write home about,
you have to be extremely careful.
Everything in life and marriage is
predicated on this all-important
aspect, spiritual life! If she is not
interested in the things of God,
watch it!
If he or she does not value God’s
word as expressed in regular reading
and study of God’s word, something
is defective somewhere.
If he or she does not attend church
regularly, a really bad sign there!
Before you fall in love helplessly,
watch it. Don’t fall in love and fall
out of your senses at the same time.
Falling in love doesn’t mean that the
brain should stop functioning
neither does it mean you should
stop hearing God.
You say he doesn’t really drink
except for when he is troubled and
it is only small stout! He doesn’t
smoke hemp, its just once he took
cigarette when he was upset! And
you still “lovingly” hang on in that
kind of relationship? Wishing that
he will change or you will change
him? It doesn’t work that way.
People don’t just change until they
decide to change! And there is no
need asking God if it is His will in
such an unholy alliance!
You cannot say the reason you don’t
have time for God is because you
are busy. You are still single and
you are saying you are busy? You
don’t know the definition of “busy”
yet! Wait till you are married! Wait
till the kids start coming. And even
then, your being busy should not be
an excuse for not serving God.
You are in courtship, but it is only
you and him that knows. Nobody
else! Something is not quite right
with that. You are in courtship and
he or she hardly calls, sometimes for
weeks. Well, you should already
know what you are in for if you head
into marriage like that. I"ve always
said this: Marriage changes nobody!

Married Couples:

You are married and now, but it’s
been long since one of you or both
of you have been to church or read
your Bible or pray together. Now,
everything is wrong with that! That
kind of marriage needs urgent help
and attention. You cannot run your
marriage and home by your wisdom
alone! You will need God and the
earlier you realize that, the better.
Before you got married, you could
pray like a house on fire, but now
you spiritual life is a cool as
cucumber! And then you have this
beautiful excuse that it is like that
because of marital responsibilities?
My dear, marital responsibilities as
a wife or husband ought not take
you away from God but closer. You
see the scripture says one will chase
a thousand, but two will chase ten
thousand. So your strength ought to
be multiplied and not diminished in
the real sense of it! Their wisdom
ought to be amplified. But when
they unwittingly decide to leave God
out of their home, they have just
taken their foolishness to the next
level and the rewards of foolishness
awaits such a couple.
You cannot relegate God to the
background in your home and think
that your business acumen will bail
you out. Your marriage needs
attention if it is such a state. You
cannot spend time and money in
night clubs and taking care of your
fleshly desires while you say “what
do they need money for in church.”
You need to put God and His word
first place in your life, because days
of trial will show up and your
wisdom will fail you. At such times,
without God, you will be burnt.
Now is the time as a couple to
deliberately get involved in spiritual
matters and pay a whole lot of
attention on your spiritual life. Seek
to grow and seek to know God
better! It makes all the difference!