Thursday, December 17, 2015


Listen keenly child of God, this message will bless you.In Genesis 1;26 - you will understand that you are created in the image of God to be equipped by His divine indwelling!
The holy spirit occupying the  human spirit so that man would manifest the very glory of God!

This glory is not man’s glory but a derived glory that’s exclusively dependent on the glory of God {the owner} within the creature {man}
I want you to understand that the authority that you have on earth today is exclusively from submission to Gods divine authority!

Gods’ ambition is to be seen and heard through you! That’s one key reason why you are where you are today! Gods intention was and is that you and I be the physical, visible expression of Him on earth, manifesting in His glory despite the fact that neither you nor I have never seen him as John puts it in John 1:18.This act which he commanded is called righteousness…without which we cannot be his and He cannot dwell in us!
This morning am reminded and I felt I should put this up here to remind us of who we really are!

#wordimpactfest5 #powerofidentity

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


“…they fell down and worshiped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.” - Matthew 2:11

Giving and Christmas go hand in hand, but have you ever thought about where giving gifts at Christmas originated? Some will suggest giving began with St. Nicholas, commonly known as Santa Claus, but it was really long before St. Nick.

It began with three men who visited Jesus when He was a young child. They were known as wise men, and they brought gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

    Gold is the gift for a king, an expensive gift symbolizing belief that Jesus was born to be a king.
    Frankincense is the gift for a priest, reminding us that Jesus is the ultimate High Priest, a mediator between God and man.
    But myrrh was an unusual gift for a child. It’s a precious spice or perfume used to anoint a body at death. Why myrrh? It was a prophetic gift. Jesus had come to die to be our Savior, to give His life for our sins.

King. Priest. Savior. Three gifts which reveal to us, at Christmas, who Jesus really is. He is the greatest gift we ever had as humankind! From Evangelist Steve Omodecx and the entire Blessed Family Ministry and PRC we wish you all a merry Christmas! Let Jesus be the King, The savior and the priest of your life!


Saturday, December 12, 2015

Pride And Sex

Two of the most difficult sins to resist are pride and sexual immorality for both are seductive.
Pride says I deserve it and sexual desire says I need it. Pride appeals to the empty head and sexual enticement to the empty heart.
When desire is fully activated people don't want advice they want satisfaction.

Soak yourself in the holyspirit, Sorround yourself with positive minds and be a doer of the Word!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Salvation is found in no one else...

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." - Acts 4:12

We look around at others and think, “Well, I’m not as bad as they are. I’m pretty good most of the time, so I should be able to get into heaven.”� “You see, me and God, we’ve got an agreement. We’ve got things worked out.”� Let me make this clear – if you feel you can be right with God in your “own” way, you’re going to get to the end of your life, stand before God, and the vote will be unanimous: you’ll be doomed. All of us are sinners, yet amazingly, God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die for our sins – to be a substitute in facing the sentence we actually deserve. So, if we feel like there is any way we can receive salvation other than through Jesus Christ, we are showing blindness to our own sinful ignorance. It’s absolutely appalling to God.

Continue on that course and you’re doomed. But God’s Word gives us some great news. “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness.”�

In the end, will you be doomed or forgiven?

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

God's closer than the air we breath!

God is closer than the air we breathe.Jesus said ''I am the vine,you are the branches without
me you can do nothing''.Our lives need the power of God.
So many times we think we can do so much
with our abilities.We look so much on our strengths n our weaknesses.But
God said it already,''do it with me'',''i will never leave you nor forsake
you''.Just like a phone,we need to plug into the power of God,His ability.During the day we need to check our levels with God,are we 20%,50%,5%. How much do we take in? Just like with ur phone,sometimes we r needed to carry our chargers,we
can't travel without a charger.For our
journey in life we need the charge;_prayer n word of God to activate power in us.
You may think you r making it in life without
involving God,but be rest assured,nothing lasts without God.The giver and creator of all thats seen and unseen.God is our ABBA father.Abba means source.Sometimes God can
separate u from things n people u depend on most just to remind u
that He is ur Abba_ source.
Sometimes He will stop u from achieving that job u want most coz He sees the end from the beginning,He sees hw u will relate wth Him wen u get wat u want.Never loose ur trust on Abba.Depend on Him n wen u r low,He will recharge u to keep going n make it in life.
God bless you!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Angels Don't Pray, We Pray,They Worship But We Can Pray And Worship!

When our spirit soars to God it is on the wings of prayer. Prayer swings open the door into the dwelling of God Himself. Like the Bible, which is substantially a book of prayer, a church building is basically “a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). Only human beings can pray. We are unique in this respect. Angels worship, but we never hear of angels praying and prayer elevates us far beyond the animal level. Animals are not people and prayer is not in their nature. A dog sees its master kneeling in prayer but has no idea what is going on. People look up to God, but animals look up only to people. Atheists and uncivilized people can know God, but other creatures are at the farther side of an impassable gulf and do not even know that spiritual things exist.
Prayer is also the wonder gift of the grace of God and our highest natural capacity. No person ever born can rise higher than on their knees before God. Men of genius—Beethoven, Michelangelo and Newton produced immortal work—and all of them prayed. Prayer was their most outstanding performance, coming from their spirit not merely their brain.

Isaiah 29:14 puts it like this: “Behold, I will again do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden.” This standpoint is reinforced in Jeremiah 9:23-24 (NIV), where we read: “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord.” We can all move on that plateau, whether we are people of great intelligence or the simplest of mortals.

“The humble also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel” (Isaiah 29:19).

God bless you.
Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Peace And Grace Of God Be With You...

"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you." - 1 Corinthians 16:33

Paul normally closed his letters by saying, “Grace be with you.” Now it’s interesting that Paul used that particular phrase because he had been a most unlikely candidate for accepting the grace of God. Paul spent his “first” career terrorizing first century Christians. He literally persecuted the church and killed Christians. That was his mission. But Christ appeared to him, saved him, and forgave him. And Paul, perhaps more than anyone who has ever lived, was focused on the grace of Christ because he knows he didn’t deserve to be chosen to be a child of God. And you know what? None of us do! None of us deserve to have the God of the universe go to a cross and pay that awful penalty for us, so that we might be forgiven and have eternal life.

Paul’s salutation reminds us that a thriving church will focus on the grace of God that’s found in what Jesus did for us on the cross. A healthy church will emphasize the grace of God, remembering the price Jesus paid in giving us something no one deserves—forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life. And just a reminder, when Paul talks about a “church,”  he is not talking about a building, for the church is not a building – it is made up of ALL of the sons and daughters of the Risen Lord.The church is you reading and receiving this Grace and peace now in Jesus name!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx
Kisumu Mission.
The Blessed Family Ministry Missions.

What Really Is Revival

Revival is a spiritual reawakening from a state of dormancy or stagnation in the life of a believer. It encompasses the resurfacing of a love for God, an appreciation of God's holiness, a passion for His Word and His church,a convicting awareness of personal and corporate sin, a spirit of humility, and a desire for repentance and growth in righteousness.

Revival invigorates and sometimes deepens a believer's faith, opening his or her eyes to the truth in a fresh, new way. It generally involves the connotation of a fresh start with a clean slate,marking a new beginning of a life lived in obedience to God. Revival breaks the charm and power of the world, which blinds the eyes of men, and generates both the will and power to live in the world but not of the world.

Evangelist Steve Omodecx
the blessed family ministry

It's The Sick That Need A Physician


"...It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick." - Matthew 9:12

One of the things I love most about Jesus is His love for all people, even those people many religious folks don’t want to be around. One of those people was His disciple Matthew. He later became one of Jesus’ biographers.

Matthew was one of the last guys you’d want on your team if you were trying to impress good religious folks. He was a crook. He ran with a bad crowd. He was a party animal. But after Jesus reached out to him and asked him to join His team, Matthew was so excited he threw a party for all his wild and notorious friends, just to meet Jesus. And they all had a great time.

But the religious crowd was appalled. They thought, “If Jesus is supposed to be a man of God, why would He run with such a rough crowd?”

Jesus responded, “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor. I came for those who know they’re sinners and need help – not for those who think they’re righteous.”

Don’t you love it? You may be one of those folks like Matthew, and if you are, I hope you’ll remember that Jesus loves you!

sunday revival sermon.
dont miss prophetic kesha on friday and ahiti Foursquare Church conference starting tomorrow ill be ministering!

My prayer My life

Elijah asked God for fire not a matchbox.
The Israelites looked at Goliath to be too big to kill but David looked at him as too big to miss...

Today I want you to know that the kind of prayer you make in your closet determines the kind of victory you get. If you ask God for rain expect rain.if you ask God for victory expect victory!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

If only I can touch his garment

Matthew  9:21 For she said within herself, If I may but touch his garment helm, I shall be whole.

Many times we have tuned our minds to believing that, God can't answer us unless we fast for days, unless we lock ourselves in the closets and cry out our problems to Him. It's not bad to pour it out to God. But in this last month of 2015  I want to challenge you to simply work on your faith. This woman with the issue of blood for 12 years suffered the pain of bleeding and rejection because of her condition. Maybe the pain was so unbearable that she could not pray but just cry...but because Jesus came to have mercy and not sacrifice as in mat 9;13 this woman saw God's Mercy in Christs heart. She said to herself, she doesn't need to be prayed for but just one attempt at touching Christs garment was enough.
In her condition she could not allow circumstances stop her from getting her healing.

Today if only you will come out of your comfort zone, and just Learn how to touch God's heart. He will heal you, listen to you and bless your land.
I challenge you to work on your faith more than your petitions to is by faith that we can please God!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

We Are Not Human Beings...

We are not Human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
If you know that you are created to worship. Then you must also know that God is a spirit and desires every creature that worships Him to do it in spirit and truth. Understanding spiritual matters is much more than what the normal eyes can see. It demands intimacy with God than the routine Sunday service worship. It calls for a divine walk with God day and night. Until then you cannot experience the True Worship experience!
God bless you.
Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Divine things desire sacrifice

‘Good morning world!This day i wanna speak to you on the Word of God once again;The bible says ’Delight thyself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart’’. Psalm 37:4

Today, we have a clientele of believers who are not committed to anything, not even the spiritual things, and they are not even ready to pay any price but they want results. All they are interested in is quick fix prayer and off they go. It doesn’t work out like that n never will because like I would always say, God will not do for you what you can do for yourself.
Look here! Joshua had just taken over from Moses who was already dead, and the responsibility to take the people to the promised land fell on him. God knew that the only way Joshua could fulfil that desire was to first pay a price by building a spiritual base and developing spiritual muscles. It wasn’t just about praying alone.There and then God gave him a template for good success. The instruction was very clear. The scripture says in Joshua 1:8, ‘’This book of the law shall not depart from thy mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written therein, for then you shall make thy way prosperous and you shall have good success. In other words until you stay in the word, you cannot have good success.

Hallelujah!!!Child of God, sustainable blessings comes with a price. You must be ready to do all that is ‘written therein’ before you get the prize.That is the clincher, because there is something written about your miracle. You need to discover it and take hold of it.That same principle is found in Deuteronomy 28: 1-14. Every promise that is documented here are covenant blessings, but their fulfilment is predicated on verse 1 which says ‘’Now it shall be, if you diligently obey the Lord your God,being careful to do all His commandments which I command you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth’’.

Do you really want the prize? Then take a quality decision not to just be a speaker of the word but a doer. In other words, get acquainted with the word of God; study it, meditate on it and do it so that you can develop spiritual stamina against the wiles of the enemy. Beloved friends, I encourage you to know and do the word of God,because it is the truth that you know and do, that will set you free.Amen.I love u all!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Seeds Are Planted Not Buried

#Wordpower for tonight with Evangelist Steve Omodecx

Are you thinking “It’s over, I’m done, I have no future”?.......Are you feeling being buried each day in your situation?...... There is a big difference between being buried or being planted. It’s a mater of perspective. Perception is GREATER then reality. When you put a seed in the ground, you don’t say, ”I’m burring the
seed.” You say, “I’m planting the seed.” ...... No matter what age you are at your life is not over,it's just beginning. Every day is a new beginning. God has no time limits to do things in your life. He has planted you where you are at right now for a reason....find the reason and the purpose, and BLOOM where your are planted!

Evangelist Steve Omodecx.