Thursday, February 11, 2016


Romans 12:1 tells us that we ought to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice pure and holy before God, for this is the perfect will of God. Some versions says this is the true act of worship.
There are two wills of God. The permissive and the perfect. The permissive works with principles while the perfect is out of true worship , love and trust. Ishmael was born out of the permissive will of God while Isaac was born out of the perfect will of God . Saul became king as a result of the permissive will of God while David became king as a result of the perfect will of God. Samson's gift of strength was in the permissive will that is why he fought the Philistines even when he was in adultery. Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs when he was in the perfect will of God but Ecclestiastis when he was in the permissive will of God.
One point is clear , what is led by the perfect will of God is backed up by God , it is long lasting and has a good testimony. What is of the permissive will is short lived and is always half baked and is limited. Moses understood this principle and told God that he does not want to go with an angel but with God Himself . The difference between going with God and going with an angel is this. With God you have the full package while with an angel you are limited in all ways. With God you are in the perfect will, with an angel you are in the permissive will of God. This is more evident when you compare Jesus' healing at the pool of Bethsaida and how the angel did the same miracle.
It is this principle that determines how long and firm a ministry can last . So ask yourself whether you are in the perfect or permissive will of God.

Evangelist Steve Omodecx


Don't marry for sex, don't marry because you are of age.
don't marry because you are getting old,
don't marry because you are lonely, don't marry
because you need someone to support you
financially, don't marry because you mistakenly got pregnant.
don't marry because you don't want to
lose the person, don't marry because of family
pressures, don't marry because you like the idea of marriage and admire every wedding gown you see.
don't marry because all your friends are getting
But get married because you are in love, get married cos he or she is your best friend and when that love is no more , he or she can still make u smile.....


"...If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me." - Luke 9:23
When Jesus called His disciples, His first command before He told them their mission was, “Follow me.”
What does it mean to follow someone?
Imagine that you are in an unfamiliar place following a friend in your car. To get where you are going, you have to:
Trust them to get you where you need to go.
Submit to their leadership; otherwise you get lost.
Keep your eyes on them; if you lose sight of them, you’ll get lost.
Go at their pace, not get ahead or fall behind.
This is what is involved in following Jesus, too. We have to trust Him to guide us where we need to go. We have to submit to His leadership – His will before our own. We have to stay focused on Him and go at His pace. If we do this, He’ll lead us to where we need to go.
And here’s even more good news – in the process He’ll lead us to our life purpose.
Evangelist Steve Omodecx


There is no man that is self made,God will use a man to make another man.
One key element in the Spiritual realm is that God will always introduce you to your next level by the instrument of a man.
The problem is,many of us have become too familiar with men God brings on our way to the extend we cannot see this is divine connection yet still cry to God for destiny connectors.
Many have become even familiar with their mentors.No wonder many will stay in one level for too long.Remember,if you become familiar ,you will be left in the same level.
God is always transitioning and transfiguring those he has sent ahead of us. As they move foward,lets move with them.
Now work out your relationship with those God has sent your way before they move and you fail to catch up.


In Genesis 1;26 - you will understand that you are created in the image of God to be equipped by His divine indwelling!
The holy spirit occupying the human spirit so that man would manifest the very glory of God! so if GOD IS "MIGHTY" you are "mighty" for u can do all even more than Jesus did.That was the assurance God gave through Jesus on accomplishing His mission on earth.
This glory is not man’s glory but a derived glory that’s exclusively dependent on the glory of God {the owner} within the creature {man}

I want you to understand that the authority that you have on earth today is exclusively from submission to Gods divine authority! It is never for self exaltation or bragging.It is for Gods glory!
Gods’ ambition is to be seen and heard through you! That’s one key reason why you are where you are today! Gods intention was and is that you and I be the physical, visible expression of Him on earth, manifesting in His glory despite the fact that neither you nor I have never seen him as John puts it in John 1:18.This act which he commanded is called righteousness…without which we cannot be his and He cannot dwell in us!
Evangelist Steve Omodecx


It is pointless to ask God for direction if you are not willing to move your feet. Every breakthrough and every success story is the combination of divine power and human effort. God brought manna to Israel but He didn’t make it fall inside their tents, neither did God pick it up and chew it for them. (Exodus 16) No amount of praying or fasting could replace Israel’s need for decision-making and decisive action. Each Israelite had to get up early in the morning, find containers and gather enough manna for the day. God will never do for you anything that He’s already given you the strength to do. God wants to bless you financially but you have to getup every morning and work diligently and faithfully. God wants to bless you with a child but you have to endure the nine long arduous months of pregnancy. God wants to bless you with a virtuous wife or loving husband but you must get out of your comfort zone, sacrifice comfort and convenience, open your heart to love and be loved, invest time in the relationship, lose a few friends and disappoint some family members along the way. Just because it is from God doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. God gave Israel the Promised Land but they had to walk through the desert, cross seas and flooded rivers, and fight and kill for it. Whatever it is that you’ve been praying for, God might’ve already said yes. But it won’t fall on your lap without your effort and action. After claiming it in prayer you must get up and take it by force.
Birds are born to fly, not withstanding the law of gravity. Fishes are born to swim, not withstanding the principle of floatation. Every child of God is born to win the battles of life, regardless of all obstacles and challenges. Whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. No two birds have ever collided in the sky, which means there's more space for all of them. You don't need to pull your neighbour down to succeed. Pulling someone down does not necessarily mean you will go up! There is more than enough space and resources for us all to be the best that God wants us to be.
Arise and shine dont wait for manna in ur tent....Break out now!!

Pastor Steve Omodecx
The Blessed Family Ministry.