Monday, June 18, 2018


This is one is really pertinent. Do not fight your pastor. It is dangerous to keep attending a church where you continually talk ill of the pastor. You will never be blessed like that, in fact, it is a waste of precious time.
How do you know a good pastor over your life? How do you know a true spiritual father?
He genuinely loves you as a person, not what you can do for him.
He is not playing church politics with your life and destiny.
He is not protective of his church system at the expense of your destiny. He knows that church is not about playing politics but about impacting lives.
There is a mutual embrace. It is not a situation where you are forcing yourself on him.
In situations where you leave a church for another, there could be so many hurting things that will follow, all kinds of lies and false accusations hurled after you. If you are smart, you will not answer a single one of them. If you do, you will stop your life. Focus on the future and what you want to do and stop responding to false accusation that are meant to come. By the time a meeting is held over you with five hundred people that you did this and that, how many people will you try to explain to that it was a lie? Such scenarios are meant to wear you out, and stretch you thin, and at the end of the day, it will be concluded that you are not doing well because you left a place.
The question is ‘what is the definition of ‘doing well?’ Every body has his own dictionary, so create yours based on God’s dealing with you and focus on your assignment. There will always be naysayers, it is part of the deal. But don’t respond! At the end of the day, the real reason why you might not do well is not because God has not called you, but because you left your calling and focused on bitterness and offence.
You are trying to start a new work. You have less that twenty people, and you are spending your energy fighting a man with hundreds of members? That is not being spiritually smart! Those hundreds of members will help him to fight you very well, not because they are loyal, but because they have been trained to do so, to be Yes-men, and not to be true to themselves and to God. Stop trying to get sympathizers all over the place, focus on your work!

What do you do when a pastor places a curse on you? Well, that curse will only work if you try to answer back or get bitter. Ignore it, find a Pastor with a much higher anointing and grace that you have relationship with and submit. Curses are words released, and they can be nullified by words from a higher anointing.
It is unfortunate that there are some pastors that will open their mouth to curse people under them. But you need to know that men of God and first of all men! It happened to David. Saul threw Javelins at him. But the scripture says he behaved himself wisely. And that is what you should do. Behave yourself wisely. Make sure you don't do some stupid things like stealing money or falsifying figures. That way, the pastor doesn't even need to place any curse, the guy has placed the curse on himself by himself!
This is also why, in disengaging from a ministry, you should do it with tact and a lot of wisdom. Do not fight or get unruly. Be patient and be respectful. If somebody decides to get sad and unhappy because you want to fulfill God’s purpose for your life, it is not for you to judge, keep quiet, and let God glorify you with productivity. Don’t stay around people who don’t believe in God’s call over your life…relationship is not by force! Surround yourself with encouragers, not vision murderers.
It is important to note that David had opportunity to kill Saul at a time. David’s men wanted to strike him in the heart. But he made a powerful statement. He said he would not touch the Lord’s anointed. Yes, Saul was an evil man at that time, who wanted to kill David, but he was still the king and the Lord’s anointed. It was this understanding that made David to last in life.
There are men of God who will not want you to succeed in life because you left them or left their church, they will want to crush you so that you can become an example to others within that people who leave will never do well. However you want to see it, it is manipulation and witchcraft spirit, but is not for you to talk or fight. If you fight back, you will lose woefully. At such times, run to God and solidify your relationship with God. Stay under a higher anointing and focus on your assignment. That way, you will succeed!
Never fight your pastor. Never talk ill for him. It is a spiritual principle. At most, what you can do is walk away…into God’s presence…that is where you can deal with hurts and offences and get healed… and get a good perspective on how to forge ahead! May God give you more understanding!
I love and honor my pastors!
Happy Father’s Day!
Pastor Steve O.Adek Jnr

Thursday, June 14, 2018


"Jesus stooped down and with his finger, He wrote on the ground." - John 8:6

The Pharisees had just brought an adulteress before Jesus and demanded, “Jesus, what do you say?”

The Bible doesn’t tell us what Jesus wrote in the sand that day.Maybe He wrote scripture. Perhaps He was writing, “Where is the man?” Doesn’t adultery involve two? Or perhaps He was writing the sins of the Pharisees who were accusing this woman. Maybe Jesus just needed time to collect His thoughts, because He was angry that they were humiliating this woman just to get at Him. 

I have no idea what He wrote, but I’ll tell you what I believe was taking place. I believe that Jesus’ heart was absolutely breaking as He knelt in the sand. When He looked at this woman, His passion for the lost was causing His heart to break at how she was being treated as an object, unworthy of life. His heart was also breaking because He looked at the Pharisees and realized they just didn’t get it. Jesus would have been totally justified to get in the Pharisees faces and say, “You guys don’t get it! I came not to judge but to save.” (John 3:17)
But Jesus didn’t do that. He didn’t blow His top and blast them. In an amazing display of self-control and compassion for this woman, He finally stood and said, “Whoever is without sin, you throw the first stone.”

They slowly drifted away, dropping their stones as they left. Jesus, in a moment, transferred the humiliation from the woman to the religious men. What wisdom. What a man, this Jesus.If they humiliated you,in their faces so shall they see Gods glory in you when Jesus steps in!! You gotta love Him. I surely do. How about you?

Pastor Steve Omodecx - AMB

"Spiritual Assassins"

Ministry Assassins are those who spread lies and strategically position themselves to dishonor you so those you minister too can't receive from you! 
You can't learn from someone you Disrespect or Dishonor... 
So these individuals seek to destroy your effectiveness through their venom since they can't touch your anointing. 

I want to encourage every "Ministry Leader" to remain steadfast and planted in your promise.
Never feel you have to uproot and react because the sound of your walk is much louder than the sound of their voice(s).
God will expose them and their sin will embrace them. Let them talk but remember the principles of the kingdom are final, what they plant is what they reap, as long as God anointed you, let them continue pointing fingers .... Amen!! 

Saturday, June 9, 2018


God is calling you out of the familiar place and from among familiar people into a place where He can bless you and elevate you! You can't be an agent of change and hang out with the "religious" establishment. It just WON'T work! (Now let that one sink in!)
1 KINGS 18:4

Thursday, June 7, 2018


If God doesn't send you, it is wisdom not to send yourself. Many today find themselves in the Red Sea drowning because it wasn’t Gods instructions but pharaoh commands...Listen somebody, Your blessings and your miracles are in His instructions and not your wishful thoughts!

“But how can they preach unless they are sent? Beautiful are the feet of them who bring good tidings” <Romans 10:15>

Follow the link below from 5:00PM (E.A.T) I will be live in USA, NIGERIA, UK, KENYA among other nations of the world. See poster for your time zone. 

Saturday, June 2, 2018


GOOD MORNING, I woke up today much better with a very clear word from God to someone out here...The enemy has tired all means to pull you down by assassinating your reputation but your character has spoken for you, he's tried to kill your resilience in kingdom matters but Gods grace has sustained you,tried to ground you down with issues but you have overcome one after the other and so he wants TO COME FOR YOUR HEART! Listen, If you allow the way that people treat you to affect you, you will turn into a very bitter person! However, you cannot afford to allow people's issues to become your hindrance! You need only to place ALL things in God's hand and stand firm in knowing that if He saw you through the previous obstacles in due season, He will handle this one too.

BEING A GUARDIAN OF THE HEART IS A NOBLE COMMISSION. Proverbs 4:23 says ABOVE ALL THINGS GUARD YOUR HEART for from it flows all things... Other versions say from it are MATTERS OF LIFE! 


Pastor Steve Omodecx - AMB.
Faf Kenya

Friday, June 1, 2018


They play innumerable roles at the same time.Both father,instructor,role model,helper,counselor and so on.A good leader is supposed to offer advice,to rebuke,to give direction,to offer solutions and to bear long enough with the people that God has entrusted them to lead.That means that leadership is a call and responsibility at the same time.

Moses was born a leader and a case study of exemplary leadership.He led the Israelites and pleaded for their welfare before God.Jesus our fore runner exhibited great leadership.He discipled many men & women throughout His ministry.At one point He taught men even Peter how to catch men.He taught His disciples how to pray.He beared long enough with His disciples even when they chose to sleep in class when He took them to the mountain to train them how to pray.

Jesus was a problem solver as a leader.This we see at the wedding at Cana when wine had run out.Jesus was never tired.He was a good listener as a leader. He always answered His disciples wisely on anything that they asked Him.When they asked Him how they should pray - He never remained silent,He taught them the Lord's prayer.Jesus trusted His disciples and that is why He sent them out on a great commission to win souls and preach the gospel.That was internship.He wanted to see if the disciples had mastered and could practice what they had observed from Him and what He had taught them.

As a leader it is dangerous to isolate yourself from the people you are leading.It sets a wrong precedent.A leader should be the last person to be offended and to get offended.Jesus was never offended when His disciples abandoned Him at the garden.He never contemplated replacing the twelve except from Judas who killed Himself.Even after resurrection He still appeared and looked for His disciples - those who deserted Him.As a leader you are called to serve others & not to be served.We learn from Jesus how He served His disciples.He came to serve and not to be served.If you are a born leader God expects you to show leadership everywhere you go.In your office,at home,in the church and everywhere you go.It is a mandate,It is an assignment,it is a calling and an anointing.Remember a steward is a leader who is required to be faithful & give an account to God of the people he/she is leading.

The devil is crafty & trains his guns towards leaders.With Jesus he said -  *"I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter"* .

If you be a leader I pray God will grace you to remain firm,stable & committed to your course despite the challenges.Fear not you have the mantle and ability to to lead.Take the bull by its horns.Don't try to run away like Jonah.Don't be an observer when God expects you to lead.You can hide in the crowd but God will expect you to give an account later.Be encouraged!

Am here to E M P O W E R you!
Faf Kenya
Happy Madaraka Day 